Access Control

Owner and Pauser Roles

Pausing the NTT manager contract will disallow initiating new token transfer. While the contract is paused, in-flight transfers can still be redeemed (subject to rate limits, if configured).

NTT can be paused on a particular chain by updating the paused parameter on the deployment to true via the NTT CLI, and then performing ntt push to sync the local configuration with the on-chain deployment.

  • Owner: Full control over NTT contracts, can perform administrative functions. Has the ability to un-pause contracts if they have been paused.

  • Pauser: Can pause NTT contracts to halt token transfers temporarily. This is crucial for responding quickly to potential risks without a prolonged governance process. Cannot un-pause contracts.

Note that while the Pauser has the ability to pause contracts, the ability to un-pause contracts is callable only by the Owner.

The contract can be paused via the contract Owner or the Pauser address. Since the contract Owner address is typically a multi-sig or a more complex DAO governance contract, and pausing the contract only affects the liveness of token transfers, protocols can choose set the Pauser address to be a different address. This can help ensure that protocols are able to respond very quickly to potential risks without going through a drawn-out process.

Consider separating Owner and Pauser roles for your multichain deployment. Owner and Pauser roles are defined directly on the NttManager.

Last updated