
Global Accountant

Global Accountant is a defense-in-depth security feature that performs integrity checks on every token transfer. This feature essentially isolates chain balances, ensuring that there cannot be more tokens burned and transferred out of a chain than were ever minted.

This CosmWasm-based module acts as a smart contract on Wormhole Gateway and ensures that fungibility of native assets remain in 1:1 parity. At no time will assets coming from a spoke chain exceed the number of native assets sent to that spoke chain. Accounting is enforced transparently by Wormhole guardians, who will not attest to an NTT transfer if it violates checks.

Contact Wormhole contributors if you are interested in having Global Accountant configured for your multichain deployment.

Governance and Upgradeability

Integrators should implement governance mechanisms to manage the addition and removal of transceivers and to upgrade contracts using proxy patterns as demonstrated in the upgrade functions in the NttManager contracts. These processes can also set thresholds and rules for attestation and message approval.

The registry component of the NTT system is crucial for maintaining a trusted list of transceivers and managing their status. Governance processes for the following actions can be submitted directly to the corresponding contract on-chain, whether it is one or multiple of the bridging contracts, or one of the token contracts:

  • Registering or deregistering a transceiver address

  • Setting the token contract address on a bridging contract

  • Setting the Wormhole core bridge contract address on a bridging contract

  • Setting the registered bridging contract address on the token contract

This governance model ensures that the system remains secure while adaptable in response to new requirements in any environment it is deployed.

Last updated