Standard Relayer

The Standard Relayer provides a mechanism for a contract on one chain to send a message to a contract on a different chain without the developer dealing with any off chain deployments.

Currently the Standard Relayer feature is limited to EVM environments.

Find the complete list of EVM environment blockchains here.


  • Hello Wormhole A tutorial that covers message passing across EVM environments

  • Hello Token A tutorial that covers token transfer across EVM environments

On Chain

On chain, a smart contract interacts with the IWormholeRelayer to send and receive messages.

Sending a message

To send a message to a contract on another EVM chain, we can call the sendPayloadToEvm method, provided by the IWormholeRelayer interface.

function sendPayloadToEvm(
    // Chain ID in Wormhole format
    uint16 targetChain,     
    // Contract Address on target chain we're sending a message to
    address targetAddress,  
    // The payload, encoded as bytes
    bytes memory payload,   
    // How much value to attach to the delivery transaction 
    uint256 receiverValue,  
    // The gas limit to set on the delivery transaction
    uint256 gasLimit        
) external payable returns (
    // Unique, incrementing ID, used to identify a message
    uint64 sequence

The sendPayloadToEvm method is marked payable so we can pay for our transaction to be submitted.

The value to attach to the invocation is determined by calling the quoteEVMDeliveryPrice, which provides an estimate of the cost of gas on the target chain.

function quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(
    // Chain ID in Wormhole format
    uint16 targetChain,
    // How much value to attach to delivery transaction 
    uint256 receiverValue,
    // The gas limit to attach to the delivery transaction
    uint256 gasLimit
) external view returns (
    // How much value to attach to the send call
    uint256 nativePriceQuote, 
    uint256 targetChainRefundPerGasUnused

This method should be called prior to sending a message and the value returned for nativePriceQuote should be attached to the call to send the payload in order to cover the cost of the transaction on the target chain.

In total, sending a message across EVM chains can be as simple as:

// Get a quote for the cost of gas for delivery
(cost, ) = wormholeRelayer.quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(

// Send the message
wormholeRelayer.sendPayloadToEvm{value: cost}(

Receiving a message

To receive a message using the Standard Relayer feature, the target contract must implement the IWormholeReceiver interface.

function receiveWormholeMessages(
    bytes memory payload,           // Message passed by source contract 
    bytes[] memory additionalVaas,  // Any additional VAAs that are needed (Note: these are unverified) 
    bytes32 sourceAddress,          // The address of the source contract
    uint16 sourceChain,             // The Wormhole chain ID
    bytes32 deliveryHash            // A hash of contents, useful for replay protection
) external payable;

The logic inside the function body may be whatever business logic is required to take action on the specific payload.

Other Considerations

Some implementation details should be considered during development to ensure safety and improve UX.

  • Receiving a message from relayer

    • Check for expected emitter

    • call parseAndVerify on any additionalVAAs

  • Replay protection

  • Message Ordering

    • no guarantees on order of messages delivered

  • Fowarding/Call Chaining

  • Refunding overpayment of gasLimit

  • Refunding overpayment of value sent

Off Chain

If taking advantage of Automatic Relaying, no off chain logic need be implemented.

While no off chain programs are required, a developer may want to track the progress of messages in flight. To track the progress of messages in flight, use the worm CLI tool's status subcommand.

$ worm status mainnet ethereum 0xdeadbeef

See the CLI tool docs for installation and usage.

See Also

Reference documentation for EVM chains is available here

Last updated