
When deploying MultiGov, several key parameters need to be set. Here are the most important configuration points:

HubGovernor Key Parameters

  1. initialVotingDelay: The delay before voting on a proposal begins.

    • Type: uint256

    • Measured in: Seconds

    • Example: 86400 (1 day)

  2. initialProposalThreshold: The number of tokens needed to create a proposal.

    • Type: uint256

    • Measured in: Tokens

  3. initialQuorum: The number minimum number of votes needed for a proposal to be successful.

    • Type: uint256

    • Measured in: Votes

  4. initialVoteWeightWindow: A window where the minimum checkpointed voting weight is taken for a given address. The window ends at the vote start for a proposal and begins at the vote start minus the vote weight window.

    • Type: uint256

    • Measured in: Seconds

    • Example: 86400 (1 day)

    • Note: This helps mitigate cross-chain double voting

HubProposalExtender Key Parameters

  1. extensionDuration: Amount of time for which target proposals will be extended.

    • Type: uint256

    • Measured in: Seconds

    • Example: 10800 (3 hours)

  2. minimumExtensionDuration: Lower limit for extension duration.

    • Type: uint256

    • Measured in: Seconds

    • Example: 3600 (1 hour)

SpokeVoteAggregator Key Parameters

  1. initialVoteWindow: The moving window for vote weight checkpoints. These checkpoints are taken whenever an address that is delegting sends or receives tokens.

    • Type: uint256

    • Measured in: Seconds

    • Example: 86400 (1 day)

    • Note: This is crucial for mitigating cross-chain double voting

HubEvmSpokeVoteAggregator Key Parameters

  1. maxQueryTimestampOffset: The max timestamp difference between the requested target time in the query and the current block time on the hub.

    • Type: uint256

    • Measure in: Seconds

    • Example: 1800 (30 minutes)

Updateable Governance Parameters

The following key parameters can be updated through governance proposals:

  1. votingDelay: Delay before voting starts (in seconds).

  2. votingPeriod: Duration of the voting period (in seconds).

  3. proposalThreshold: Threshold for creating proposals (in tokens).

  4. quorum: Number of votes required for quorum.

  5. extensionDuration: The amount of time for which target proposals will be extended (in seconds).

  6. voteWeightWindow: Window for vote weight checkpoints (in seconds).

  7. maxQueryTimestampOffset: Max timestamp difference allowed between a query's target time and the hub's block time.

These parameters can be queried using their respective getter functions on the applicable contract.

To update these parameters, a governance proposal must be created, voted on, and executed through the standard MultiGov process.

Last updated